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Why! We're gaga for cocao

Hey, everyone. Today we are answering a few of your questions. Our choice of these are how our vegan chocolate is made, and about the added health benefits of chocolate as part of a vegan or low dairy diet. We will also begin a little on the history of chocolate, and where it comes from.

Our single-source cocao will have to remain secret, but we can tell you about our recipe. We have tried many ideas over the years, but the rich creamy texture comes from cocoa butter. It tastes amazing, and means we can reduce the number of different suppliers. All this helps reduce our costs and our carbon footprint. More on that in another post. We like to keep things simple, and add in all our delicious options, like cranberries and chilli. All this give you, our wonderful customers perfect Chocolate every time in all the flavour you love. Please feel free to contact us if you have suggestions of flavours you’d like to try. As we also make to order, there are plenty of options to choose from at the counter in store. We also host regular “make your own chocolate” events, dates and prices are on our events page and in-store. You can also purchase tickets as gifts for friends or family, and we also provide personalized events for groups.

As with milk chocolate, our vegan varieties are great to enjoy as a treat. There is more details of the various contents both on the packaging (if you’re buying through our website) or in-store. Feel free to ask our team about any of these, if you are unsure. If you really want to remove temptation for a while, all our chocolate can go in the freezer for up to 3 months.

A little about the origins of chocolate. King Montezuma 2nd, the last Aztec Emperor was drinking gallons of chocolate a day to revitalise his spirit. As they didn’t have the refined sugar we do, it probably would have tasted somewhat bitter than now. They learned these secrets from their Mayan neighbours, but it had been passed down through the generations for some 5000 years. This has been the inspiration for Pete to embark on a trip to South America, to source our chocolate and to discover more about the origins and partnership of the cocao tree and human civilisation. We’ll have regular updates on the trip, and even get to see the plantation. We hope you’re as excited as we are about it.

We hope this has answered some of your questions and given you some ideas. Check back in to see the latest news from Pete and the team. Pictures and news from the cocao plantation coming very soon.

Cocao for now

The Roasting House xx

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